Monday, November 16, 2020


Hola, everyone!

I'm a fresh(-ish?) DM, running a game for a group of friends. Fresh as in I've run TTRPG games before in small scale over the years but this is my first attempt at a proper campaign and also D&D. 

I've created my own homebrewn world and a custom campaign for my friends to run around in, all in the name of fun... and perhaps I can use the world for something else in the far future.

Now that we have a couple of sessions behind us, I thought it suitable to start writing our adventures down (I'm already forgetting some stuff from the beginning). And by doing it publicly, maybe someone will be inspired or get some ideas for their own fantasy worlds, adventures or dungeon mastering.

So be welcome, each and all, as we head in to the distant realm of Aexonia...


Hola, everyone! I'm a fresh(-ish?) DM, running a game for a group of friends. Fresh as in I've run TTRPG games before in small scale...